Geshe Tenzin Yeshe
visited his native village in Khyungser in
Eastern Tibet in 2005, he saw the ruined meditation center
Shar Drol Dechen Yangwen Ling
which his root Lama Thaye Rangdrol Rinpoche
had started to rebuild, but which had again fallen into decay after
his death. The about fifty monks and nuns living there
appealed to him for help.
In Khenpo Tenzin Yeshe's own words: When I saw the ruined meditation
center that has been such a holy and revered place, and thought of all
that my kind root Lama [Thaye Rangdrol Rinpoche] had tried to do,
I became very sad and promised to help as much as I could. While I
was in Tibet, my immediate family, distant relatives, and other
sponsors donated 300001 Yuan, and I gave the money to the meditation
center as a small offering towards rebuilding. The work of reconstruction
has begun, but we need about USD 35000 to complete phase one, which
includes a large hall for meditation and teaching on the ground floor
and a residence for visiting Lamas on the upper level. Therefore I
ask all my friends and all generous and loyal people to donate what
they can to help rebuild Shar Drol Dechen Yangwen Ling meditation
center. Remember: an ocean begins with just one drop of water!
Shar Drol Dechen Yangwen Ling flyer
For more information, and to donate, please send email to
shardroldechenling@gmail.com or geshetyeshe@gmail.com