Time: Wed May 8 and Thu May 9, 2013 11am-1pm and 3-5pm
Place: Drikung-Gonpa, Vienna, Austria.
1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt 16, in the Buddhist Center. Door opener
says "OeBR-Meditationsraeume".
Cost: Euro 80
Registration and further information: send mail to
tinyflame@rediffmail.com (Sophie) --
please register early to facilitate planning.
On May 8 and 9, 2013, in Vienna Lama Sangye Mönlam
will teach the rushen practices from
Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen's dzogchen textbook Kunsang
Nyingtig. The title of Shardza Rinpoche's text is usually
translated as "heartdrops of Dharmakaya". In plain
English it means something like "essential information on the
dzogchen state". This dzogchen text is a concise abstract of dzogchen
practice from the very beginnings to the end of the path. As usual
with dzogchen texts, it is not suitable for independent study, but
one needs the explanations of an experienced Lama to put its
instructions into practice successfully.
Lama Sangye Mönlam is a Lama of the Bön monastery Triten Norbutse in Kathmandu. He is currently living and teaching in France in the European outpost of Triten Norbutse, the meditation center Shenten Dargye Ling. Lama Sangye has already taught in Austria a few times (Tummo 2009, Trulkhor 2010). In 2011 he began a systematic course of teachings (one week in spring every year) on the mother tantra (Ma Gyud) in Graz, which course he will continue in spring 2014.
In May 2013, Lama Sangye will teach
Lama Sangye's dzogchen rushen teachings in Vienna May 8-9 2013 are suitable for beginners as well as for more advanced practitioners. For registrations and any questions, send mail to tinyflame@rediffmail.com (Sophie).