This page is outdated - here is the up-to-date Ma Gyud page
First, Lama Sangye Monlam will refresh the Ma Gyud sadhana (Lama, Yidam and Khandro practice), that we learned to recite last year. The text will be available in Tibetan, in phonetic transliteration and in english translation. As last year, we will recite the Ma Gyud sadhana every day.
Then Lama Sangye will complete the Thar Lam chapter of Ma Gyud with instructions on the mandala offering, both by constructing a physical mandala and symbolically with the mandala mudra.
The news is: we will also learn and practice a beautiful poetic text by the 14th century master Nyima Gyaltsen on drib sel (clearing obscurations) by visualization and mantra recitation. Lama Sangye has commissioned an English translation of this text especially for his teachings in Graz, and the text will be available as a booklet containing Tibetan, English and phonetic transcription.
The main part of the teachings will concern
"searching for the mind",
a technique for dissolving preconceived ideas
about identity and existence, and ways to enter
into "natural state", the meditative
state that is the common base of tantra and dzogchen -
the prerequisite for the path of tantra as
well as for the path of dzogchen. It is an extremely
delicate matter to talk about a non-conceptual state.
At the same time, an experienced Lama like Lama Sangye
Monlam can give practical, down to earth hints how to
acheive this state. At the Ma Gyud teachings in Graz,
we are in the lucky position to have a superb interpreter,
Peter Alan Roberts, who is capable of getting the fine
points across.
Like every large cycle of Tantra or Dzogchen, the Ma Gyud has a chapter on the relationship between Lama and student, and a kind of checklist for the necessary qualities of Lama and student. Accordingly, Lama Sangye will discuss the question how to test the qualifications of a Lama (it's not easy, especially where inner qualities are concerned, as Lamas are not transparent) and which qualities the Lama must demand of his students.
After the morning teaching we will do Chutor (water offering),
and after the afternoon teaching Surchod (burnt food offering)
in the garden, and after evening meditation, Chöd (body offering).
Texts of the rituals will be available, both in Tibetan and in phonetics.
This is a good opportunity to learn and practice three of the
"four generosities".
Tentative Schedule
7-8am meditation
10:00-12:00 teaching
12:00-12:30 Chutor
3:00-5:00pm teaching
5:00-5:15pm Surchod
7:30-8:30pm meditation
8:30-8:45pm Chod
Time for questions and discussions every day when we go
out for lunch together, and opportunity for individual
consultations with Lama Sangye every day after Surchod.
Begin and end:
The "official" begin time is June 30, 2012, 10:00am;
the official end is July 6, 3pm.
Maybe you can come early or stay late and help with decorations?
You can already join us in the afternoon of June 29th.
Friday June 29 (day before) tentative schedule
2:30-5:00pm decorating the room (help very much appreciated).
5:00pm Surchod
7:30-8:55pm meditation and Chod (at a different location, we
will leave a message on the door of Heimatsaal)
Saturday June 30 (first day) tentative schedule
7-8am Meditation
10:00am begin of teachings (be there a little earlier)
July 6 (last day) tenative afternoon schedule
2-3pm Tsok
3pm Saying goodbye to the Lama, "official" end.
3:30-5:30pm dismantling decorations (help very much appreciated)
Contact: (Sophie)