From Dec 27, 2024 to Jan 6, 2025 there is the opportunity to spend
ten days peacefully with Lama Sangye Monlam at
Yeshe Sal Ling,
performing Sangchoe in the morning, and Choed in the evening, and
observing two (or more) meditation sessions every day.
We will ask Lama Sangye to perform rituals and customs for good luck and good health in the new year, such as ransom and washing practices (customs that Lama lags usually observes at Bi-Lug Losar) for us around the date of Western New Year celebrations.
Also, we will prepare and eat Guthug, the traditional end of the year soup with nine ingredients.
The reason for the non-traditional date of Losar rituals is that, in 2025, Lama Sangye lags will be in Nepal at the date of the traditional Tibetan New Year of nomads and farmers, "Bi-Lug Losar" (or "Sonam Losar"), which is particularly observed by Bonpos.
If there is interest, Lama Sangye will give instructions for
making tormas, big and small, from tsampa or from clay.