Accommodation in Yeshe Sal Ling

Yeshe Sal Ling Bön center at Kurweg 2, 8061 Sankt Radegund bei Graz, can accommodate up to 12 people in 4 to 7 rooms. Staying in Yeshe Sal Ling, you enjoy frequent interactions with the resident Lama, and it's only a few meters from your bed to the location of teachings and meditations. Note, however, that the people staying in the house at any one time form a temporary household, in which everybody has to participate in the household chores, such as dish washing and cleaning.

Volunteers who do cooking, cleaning and maintenance work (in a more substantial way than mere participation in household chores as mentioned above) will have priority for accommodation in Yeshe Sal Ling itself.

To inquire about staying at Yeshe Sal Ling, send email to (Petra) well in advance. At the time of teachings, the few rooms and beds are booked out early.

During teachings, most rooms will be used as double rooms or small dormitories with 3 people per room, but one or two single rooms might be available. During less busy times, rooms can be booked as single rooms for longer personal retreats. Two of the rooms are equipped for use as dark rooms. Because of zoning regulations (we are in a quiet recreation zone next to a clinic), camping in the garden of Yeshe Sal Ling is not possible.

Accommodation in walking distance to Yeshe Sal Ling

  1. Gasthof Kirchenwirt: 10 min walk to YSL
    Phone: +43 3132-22 34
  2. Pension Seirer: 15 min walk to YSL Phone: +43 3132-26 00
  3. Haus Freiinger: 20 min walk to YSL Phone +43 664 - 380 55 05
  4. In case you are wondering, Gasthof Budapest is, unfortunately, no longer in business.
The above inns and B&Bs are marked on this map here. Addresses and contact information can be found on St. Radegund's website under "Unterkunft":
St. Radegund bei Graz - tourist information - accommodation ("Unterkunft")
B&Bs in St. Radegund bei Graz: Seirer, Freiinger

Among the many B&Bs and inns listed (as of Nov 2023) on the above websites, only Kirchenwirt, Seirer and Freiinger are in easy walking distance of Yeshe Sal Ling.

Places with addresses "am Schöckl" (in particular, Stubenberghaus, Alpengasthof, and Johann-Wallner-Hütte) are on the plateau of Schöckl mountain and can be reached from Yeshe Sal Ling only by a strenuous hike (approx. 2 hours) uphill through the woods, or by cable car. The cable car Schöckl-Seilbahn operates from 9am to 4:30pm in winter and from 9am to 5:30pm in summer.


The closest camping site is "well welt" in Kumberg situated next to a swimming pond, about 8km south-east of St. Radegund bei Graz. It is listed, with contact information, here under accommodation in Kumberg. See also this "camping guide". Although it is quite close as the crow flies, the camping ground is not very well connected to St. Radegund by public transportation. (Due to the often long wait when changing busses in Fasslberg it may take over an hour to get from Kumberg to St. Radegund by bus).

A little further afield

On the route of Bus 250 from Graz to St. Radegund (which runs once an hour and takes 40min from Graz to St. Radegund) there are: